
In June of 2007, we traveled to the Dominican Republic to investigate the opportunity for implementation of needle-free jet injectors (NFI) in the immunization program.

NFI delivers immunizations via a thin, high-speed liquid stream and eliminates many negative consequences incurred from using needles including biohazard sharps waste, inadvertent needle sticks, and needle reuse. We used individual interviews of health care workers, administrators, public policy makers, and international organization workers to gather feedback on the usability, cost saving potential, and adoptability of NFI technology for immunizations.

-Mike, Azucena, Sapun, and Rich

Sunday, July 1, 2007

Day 22: July 1, 2007. Adios amigos!

And so we’ve come to the end. It’s been a good time and we’ve all learned a lot. Not just about immunizations and needles but about this place and these dancing people and life outside of our industrialized gringo bubble in general. It was a great experience and we are very thankful to all the people who made it happen.

We’re also thankful to be headed home. We woke up bright and early this morning with a bit more energy than we’ve had at any of our recent 7am’s. The hotel taxi driver packed in our bags next to his trunk-loaded rigged-up gas tank, gave us a drive by tour of some this-or-that that Columbus had built, and we were on our way to the airport. 12 hours later we were all back in San Francisco… except for the luggage… which Delta somehow lost in Atlanta. We headed straight for a taste of our own comfy American eats and let me tell you, that was one yummy burrito.

Hasta Luego, Dominican Republic. Perhaps we will meet again someday…
